Monday, April 25, 2011

Todays Dinner

I had bought a ginger lime marinade at Marshalls ( yes I said Marshalls and no their gourmet section does not contain expired items) that I had not used yet.  I had left some chicken to defrost last night and this morning I put it in a pot of boiling water so that it would cook. I also put some potatoes in another pot of boiling water to cook at the same time. Once the chicken was cooked I shredded it into pieces and then put the marinade over it. Once the potatoes were cooked I mashed them and stored them in the fridge as well as the marinated chicken. When I got home, I formed the mashed potatoes into ball shapes and dipped them in an egg and water wash, passed them on panko breadcrumbs and fried them in olive oil, removed them once they were slightly brown and placed them on a plate with paper towel (to drain some of the oil.) I then heated the marinated chicken in the same olive oil. and that was that, dinner is served!

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